Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How I'm doing?

Dear  Diary,

I had passed my 10 exam papers. Which is lots.. Oh, sorry. I forgot to tell you that I am faced my first form 1 exam. So far, so goood right now. Tomorrow, I am going to sit maths exam... which is nearly 50 questions for an hour. I wish I can answer all questions for that limit time! Anyway.. this week had been a good week. I made friends too. Her name is "M" and "I". I can't tell their real name.. They might don't feel comfortable. You know what? before I wrote a thing in this post, I got sooo many ideas to write. But when I started to write, my ideas are all gone.. so terrible. SO, I guess thats all I wanna say for this time.. Actually I want to change my princess diary song.. but it's not the time yet. Hey, how about I'm doing a bit of tuto? that will be great. I might think about it. I'll let you know!


your princess, aisyah


Friday, February 18, 2011

Many story to tell

Der Dairy,

I got so much to tell you.. I felt so terrible now.. not really, just wanna show you how I felt now.

What happend when an unknown girl knock the door.. (scary!)

Well, I am at school at that time.. I was busy studying with my teacher and friends and then suddenly there is a girl (older than me) knocked my classroom door. She came with a piece of paper. I thought it must had been an urgent thing going on. So she called out the names then suddenly.. "Aisyah". It's me! That kakak said that dentist want to see me. I was shaking... I hate to dentist.. well I got problem.So we went to the Bilik Kesihatan. My friend went first and after her, me. It okay! the nurse just wanna check my teeth.. She just get rid of a bit of my pluck on my teeth.. It's no that scary though.. Anyway! I'm fine..

Bahasa Melayu Assignment

In Malay if you guys don mind

Okay. ceritanya macam ni.. cikgu aisyah bagi aisyah dan kawan-kawan assignment utk dibuat.. Cikgu suruh buat folio pasal novel HIKMAH. Masalah Aisyah skrg ni, aisyah malas nak buat. Tahu x malas..?? haiyoo.. lps tu dh kelam kabut nk siapkan sehari sebelum hantar.. pembimbing rakan sebaya kan terrer.. hehehe.. tapi x hantar p0n lagi.. sbb blm siap.. doakan la aisyah siap buat assignment ni.. wah! mcm org nk buat PHD pulak.. relaks la kan.. hehehe.. mungkin assignment macam folio ni susah bagi level org mcm aisyah kn.. tapi tak apa lah.. dh nk siap dh p0n.. anyway.. 

Menjadi Bendahari Bukan Benda Yang Senang

Ini lagi satu lagi kes aisyah.. aisyah jadi bendahari.. memang la best kn.. pengang duit banyak.. tapi yg x bestnya apabila kena mintak duit  dgn kawan-kawan untk bayar duit kelas.. ramai budak lelaki komplain asyik mintak duit je.. budak perempuan cool je kan.. almaklum lah budak perempuan kan kaya.. x macam budak lelaki, kedekut! bayar RM 2.00 sebulan p0n nk kecoh! Kitaorg ni tak banyak sangat budget utk menghias kelas.. sbb tu cikgu suruh kutip banyak sikit.. nk belik lapik meja la, mangga pintu kelas la.. gam utk tampal kertas la.. mcm2 lagi.. jadi, para pembaca nk hulurkan bantuan pun boleh.. dialu-alukan sokmo!

Itu sahaja utk post kali ni.. jumpa lagi..


       your lovely owner, aisyah.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Random Post.

Dear Dairy,

It Chinese New Year! So my mum relatives are coming to our house. My room need to be cleaned and tidy up! It is not going to be in that condition when people around in our house. So I spent some time to clean up my room, I put my fluffy pillows nicely like they did in hotel. I arrange my important stuff at a suitable place, so the little cousins won't find it. hehe : ) It was so hard to see my bedroom clean because... I had no time to clean it.  So that why I hardly believed that my room is tidy. I am going to have motto for my room so my room will always tidy. So after this, I won't have  to do spring cleaning every week! I don't have any idea for my motto yet, so when I get some idea.. I will tell you guys.
Wanna see my bedroom look like after the spring cleaning had done?

This is not my bedroom, but my room look like this when the spring cleaning had done.

thanks to: