Sunday, January 30, 2011

My friend called friend

Dear Dairy,

For this entry, I am going to share about my friends but before that, I got something to tell you guys. My unforgettable experience of my life is, I had stayed in Australia for 1 year and a half. I made many friends while I'm in Australia. Now, last week I got 2 emails from my friends. I can't tell her name because it will be to public. Just call her "C". "C" is like my best friends while I'm in Australia. She had helped me when I got problem, she had company me when I'm lonely, she introduce me to her friends, she made me felt like I am home. Nothing wrong with her. I miss her so much. She is one of the early persons that know the news that I'm moving back to Malaysia, She is one of the person that sad "oh.. I'm gonna miss you". She is one of the reasons I don't want to leave Australia. But hey, our friendship still on. We are not going  to forget each other for ever. I really hope she is readig this entry.. I really hope she understand what I say. I really hope she will follow my blog.. hehehe.. forget about that. But the most important things is she read this entry. I made this entry just for her... I miss you.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Pengawas Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya

Dear Dairy, 

Khamis lepas aisyah pergi ke temu duga untuk menjadi Pengawas Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya. Pembimbing rakan sebaya itu adalah sejenis pengawas juga. Tugas pengawas ini adalah membimbing rakan-rakan yang ada masalah. Bukan yang saja cari masalah ya.

Temu duga dia senang sahaja. Bagi Aisyah la kan.. Cikgu tanya pasal: kenapa awak nk jadi pengawas pembimbing rakan sebaya, lepastu cikgu terangkan pasal buku log. Untuk tulis masalah pelajar. Lepastu kita kena bawa pelajar itu berjumpa dengan kaunselor. Senang saja tugasnya. tapi kelakuan kena baik la. Macam mana nk bimbing rakan sebaya kalau perangai tak baik? hehehe :p. 

Lepas habis cakap pasal vest semua, cikgu kata. "baiklah, awak terpilih untuk menjadi Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya" Alhamdullilah.. dapat juga. Impianku menjadi kenyataan. Cikgu juga ada berpesan, kalau jadi pengawas ni, kena simpan rahsia pasal masalah rakan kita itu. Jangan nak sedap-sedap heboh satu sekolah. Tak sabar aisyah nk memakai vest dan membantu rakan-rakan. hehehe..
Baiklah, aisyah nk pergi dh ni.. Bye. wish me luck!


Sleep over episods 2

Dear Dairy,

I am going to countinue my story about the sleep over. Ok, when Athirah and I arrived at Janna's house. We go straight to her room to put our bags. Her room was so nice. After we had put our bag, we went downstairs. Her mum prepare laksa for dinner. So, I ate again for the second round. hehehe.. never mine. After we ate. I wash the dishes and we went straight to Janna's bedroom.

Our mission is to finish our homeworks. While doing our homeworks(except Janna, she hadn't got any homeworks. not fair) I can't really concentrate. Because, I am  a person that loves to talk. I will start talking non stop with my friends. But finally, at least  we done a bit of our homeworks. 

My friends and I got hungry, so we went downstairs. Janna make us Milo. She made really nice milo I had ever taste in My life. We also ate some grapes and also talking non stop. After finished drinking our yummy milo, we went upstair again to finish left over of our homeworks.

Ok, as usually, before sleep we solat Isyak. After we finished solat Isyak. Janna, Athirah and me wash our faces together and brushed our teeth. We talk about our pencuci muka while washing our face. At last, we are preparing to go to bed. Which is around 11 o'clock at that time. We promised to wake up around 4 o'clock to finish our homeworks. Before we went to bed, Athirah set her watch on 4 o'clock a.m. As you all know me, I love to talk and so do my friends. I can't even stop talking when we're on bed. At last Janna put something in her ears so she can't hear anything and Athirah just ignore me. To make us quiet. We made a deal that if any of us say a word, we had to wash the dishes in the morning. Do you know who that person is? It was me.

Dreaming.. Dreaming.. "Aisyah bangun". It was Janna that wake us up. She said it was 6 o'clock and we just realized that we forgot to wake up on 4 o'clock. It was so cold in her room because she got aircond on. It was so cold! So after take a shower and solat subuh, we got down and preapare some breakfast. We made pan cake for breakfast which is really nice. So after breakfast we got ready to go home.. BYE Janna! 

I want to thank to Janna and family for the sleep over.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sleep Over =)

Dear Diary,

Last Wednesday. I went to a sleep over at Janna's house. The sleep over were meant to be held on this Saturday. But something stop us. The story begin like this. My friends and I are planning to held sleep over for girls this Saturday. But something stop us from doing it on Saturday. I can't tell you guys why.

Ok. So, on last wednesday evening which is around 6 o'clock p.m (the day the sleep over were held) Janna had just remember that the sleep over cannot be held on Saturday.  As you all well known that Thursday is Thaipussam. I don't know if I spell it right. hehehe... (something might happened.. so keep reading)

Ok, back to my story.  Alright, Thursday is Thaipussam. So we don't have to go to school on Thursday. So we talk it over and over. Jana and Athirah thought they should ask about the sleep over with Janna's mum. Finally, Athirah and Jana had the idea to held the sleep over on that day. Janna and Athirah went to my house and ask about it. I agreed. So after dinner and solat maghrib, Athirah and me went to Janna's house together. 

The sleep over is not like we planned. What I planned is we're going to had fun together. But, that's not what happend during our sleep over. Our sleep over is not like sleep over. You know what is sleep over right? Sleep over is we're meant to had fun! We were meant to played games like... playing cards, watched movie, make breakfast together, gossip, share our experiences. But our sleep over is more like study with friends during the sleep over. I understand that Janna and Athirah will face UPSR.  But hey! I'm glade that we still had fun. Thank to Janna and family for the sleep over =)
Dear Diary, I will continue my story later. I promise! I gotta go now... bye!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Well....You never know!

Dear Diary,

I had been busy lately this week. I already start learning which is the subjects are really interesting... not just only start learning.. BUT! already have homework. Not homework! BUT...homeworks. Get it? If you don't get it, read it again and again... I am one of the lucky student to be in "Kelas Rancangan Khas" which is.. teacher gave more attention to us. It's more like for smart students. Hehehe.. Only 5,4 and 3 A's in that class. "Kelas Rancangan Khas" had got 2 class. I am in the second class. It's not that bad isn't it?  hehehe. We're a bit diffrence than any other student cause we had to wear blue scarf which is a bit annoying for me.. or maybe for other students too.

Anyway! Things are differens  as I said berfore.. Oh yes.. before I leave this very last entry for this week.. I want to say good luck for year six this year for UPSR.  Just study ok? Study smart, not study hard!. UPSR is not that hard and not that easy. If you already learn, you can just answer it with your eyes shut. What I mean is, when you already learn about it, you can answer it easily. So, that why... GET YOUR BOOKS AND DO YOUR REVISION. If you have problems study by yourself.. you can make your own study group. I mean study group okay? not gossip group.. it may happen for girls..(that would be me). Where was I? Oh yes.. Good luck guys!

Why am I busy about year six! Oh no.. Aisyah.. you need to study too. Hehehe.. 8 A's in my hand! insyaAllah. I want to get the best results. That doesn'y mean 8 A's. Okay.. bye..

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

BIG girl??

Assalamualaikum semua!

Aisyah nak buat post kali ini dalam bahasa melayu. Saja nk cuba.... Aisyah start sekolah hari Isnin hari itu.. Aisyah tak pergi asrama p0n.. Malas. Lagipun Aisyah tak suka berebut tandas dengan budak-budak lain...(pengalaman pahitku semasa duduk selama 3 hari 2 mlm di asrama) Klu duduk asrama, rasa mcm x bebas. Eh, ya ke?

Sekolah baru Aisyah tu, boleh la tahan.. cikgu dia semua baik-baik... Ada juga yg garang.. nama pon cikgu.. =) Masa hari pertama Aisyah pergi ke sekolah.. ada la perasaan takut.. Lepas masuk ke kawasan sekolah Aisyah terus ke tapak perhimpunan. Nampak budak-budak besar saja..  Rupa-rupanya semua kawan Aisyah ada duduk di belakang.. nasib baik cpt jumpa.. Bangga tahu pakai kain warna biru cair (kain sekolah menengah). .Aisyah ditempatkan di kelas nombor 2. Semua kelas ada tujuh. Ok la tu kan? Aisyah ada ramai kawan baru. Skrg ini Aisyah ada kawan orang asli... hebat tak? hehehe.. 

Dekat sekolah menengah ni, benda banayak yang berbeza... macam.. masuk sekolah sebelum 7.20.. klu dulu masuk sekolah rendah masuk sebelum 7.30... Pengawas pon ada banyak jenis.. Peraturan pon semakin KETAT! 

Minggu pertama ini dekat sekolah Aisyah tak belajar lagi.. sbb tingkatan satu dan empat, ada program. Program itu namanya "Minggu Titian Mesra". =) Program itu utk berkenal-kenalan dgn budak dari sekolah lain... Aisyah tak boleh nk bawa kamera.. klu tak boleh Aisyah tunjuk gambar.. 

Oh ya.. pasal post sebelum ini.. Aisyah tak ada gambar yang nk dibubuh.. =( jadi kena tunggu dulu ya...  ;) Itu saja yg aisyah nk ceritakn buat post kali ini...
