Saturday, March 5, 2011

Shouldn't really be here ;)

Dear Diary,

I haven't been here for long. So sorry. I had been busy lately this week. I did wrote something about what had happened to me, but I wrote it in my personal and private diary. I wanna tell you guys as readers and followers that I will change my blog name. I don't think Princess Diary will be suitable name for my blog. Maybe some readers will think it's too girly and "menyampah".  A few thing had happens.... I don't felt like telling you guys what it is.. to my close followers, the might already know about what had happened to me.. hahaha. I might make you guys felt suspense. But I'm okay. Nothing  too serious at this very serious moment. what can I say? Oh yes, I gonna miss this princess diary, as soon as I change my blog name. I won't start my post with "dear diary"  anymore. I guess that all I want to say at this very moment. =)

from, your sweet awesome beautiful cheerful girl, aisyah.

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