Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Apa ek??

Elo and assalamualaikum...

Apa yg nk kita ceritakan pada kali ni ye?? apa ye?? Ha! apa kata kita cerita pada entry kali ni pasal movie terhangat buat masa ni?? apa macam?? huahuahua... apa lagi???!!!

                                      Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows

huahuahua.... best x cerita dia?? best kan.. mesti la.. terkejut2 aisyah masa tgk cite ni kat wayang.. dh la volume dier kuat.. sakit dada aisyah dibuatnyer.. yg dasyatnyer aisyah x makan popcorn p0n.. kn jarang org tgk movie x makan popcorn.. ni semue pasal masa tgk cite Toy Story 3... masa tu aisyah bawak duit.. kon0n nyer nk beli popcorn satu bucket.. x nak share pUlak tuh.. pastu esoknyer dh loyar kt sekolah... x tau la kenape.. so the moral of the story is.. jgn la tamak.. share2 la ye... balik2 kepada topik tadi...
mad eye mati awal2 apa nie?? sape nk selamatkan harry potter... huhuhu.. x payah!! harry potter kn terrer.. x payah nk hero selamatkan dier.. . cuma perlukan hermione utk memberi sedikit clue.. wah.. dasyatnyer ayat... yg seterusnyer mane leh cerita.. tgk sendiri la..  tapi yg penting.. aisyah dh tgk dh.. klu korang semue x sempat tgk utk part 1, part 2 ada lagi... kena catch up la... anyway! DVD kn nanti keluar, blh tgk banyak kali.. huahuahua.. (klu x bosan la..)

Itu saje utk entry kali ni.. THANKs!

Monday, November 29, 2010


Dear readers,

For this entry, I want to talk about primary school students who start to enjoy their time with friend, who start to enjoy what is the meaning of life. But suddenly, thing change so fast that we don't realize that our time at primary school is near to the end...
Why do we as a student in primary school have to change school?, why can't we stay?, why can't we still enjoy our time with old friends?? Why?? And why is the subjects getting harder?? (maybe, because I'm not up to it yet). For my dear readers, now I just realize that the best school is primary school!! Being year 6 student are really hard time.. we got plenty of homeworks to do... we got many class to go... we're really stress during year six.. but while we stress we still enjoy our time with friends but! we have to sacrifice for many things that you won't believe... but time pass so fast that we don't realize that UPSR is coming on its way.. Alhamdulilah because I got 4A 1B. Thanks to my parents, teachers, school and my friends for their support. :)

So miss my friends very much!!

Kiri yg duduk: Atiqah, Aisyah (me!) and Iwani
Kiri yg berdiri: Azlinda and Faqihah...

There are all my closest friends...

HOHOHO!! kant0i umur saya brp... ini adalah gambar masa kitaorg darjah 6.. penatla studey.. kan? gambar ni masa kawan2 yg lain tgh sibuk2 nk siapkan bilik darjah 6 utk dijadikan dewan makan utk jamuan akhir tahun.. tpi kitaorg punye kerje! adalah posing the posing! huahuahuahua.. tapi slps tu kitaorg p0n tolong tau.. ape? ingat kitaorg ni malas? banyak cantik!! :)

Kita susuli dgn gambar....

Wow! ini p0n muke2 yg x menolong semasa nk menyiapkan dewan makan... kantoi!!
Rindunyer la kt korang.. :(

Kamera kt sini, tpi tgk kamera lain.. ape ni?? Ini lah antara puteri2 kelas kitaorg... huhuhu...

Smile everybody! smile!! say CHEESE!!!

OOOOOooo00000 tgk apa tu??? bawak handphone gi sekolah ye?? report kt cik gu!!

This is the symbol of our true friendship! May our friendship will last for ever!! amin...

Ingat la para readers2 semua.. 
kawan la tempat kita mengadu selain ibubapa...
kawan la tempat kita berkongsi rahsia...
kawan la tempat kita bergosip2
kawan la yg membantu kita dlm mata pelajaran yg tidak kita fahami di sekolah selain cikgu2
Terima Kasih Kawan!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

AiSyAh de cute deh!


Right!. dis is my first blog. Sekarang ni a bit kekok for my first entry... But slps ni aisyah akan masukkan banyak lagi entry yg menarik utk kalian semua... Blog ini telah wujud pada 28/11/2010. Ingat tu!! U all klu nk tahu semua pasal aisyah, nk tahu apa yg aisyah alami  hari2, kt blog ni lah tempat yg aisyah akan ceritakan... aisyah akan ceritan yg public sje ye.. yg private sorry yer..Selain drp cerita pasal apa yg aisyah alami setiap hari.. aisyah akan masukkan beberapa gambar2 yg sesuai dgn entry tersebut.. supaya nampak lebih attractive! Itu sje for my first entry..
