Monday, April 18, 2011

The most boring day at school :(


Hari ini aisyah nk guna bahasa Melayu.. hmm.. hari ini dpt tahu markah B.M, tak dpt A pun.. jadi, di blog tersayang ini, aisyah nk berlatih karangan utk Bahasa Melayu okey? 

Minggu ini x ada semangat nk ke sklh. Tak tahu kenapa.. Ramai kawan ckp pasal FB.. aisyah nk jugak.. nak.. nk..  Tadi dkt tapak perhimpunan mcm x bersemangat sahaja nk dgr leteren + nasihat = cikgu. Tadi cikgu Halim ada berucap, dia kata ada masalah disiplin (bila dia berucap mesti ada). Dia ckp ada bdk tingkatan 1 PEREMPUAN. TINGKATAN 1 PEREMPUAN??!!! bawak CD lucah kt sekolah.. malunya aisyah dgr.. semua org tgk kawasan aisyah duduk... Siapa la yg bawak?? Waktu perhimpunan tu, aisyah duduk depan Farah.. kitaorg rasa nk menyiasat saja siapa yg bawak tu.. Rasa mcm maruah terjejas.. Tahu x?? 

Apa lagi nk ckap ya??
Itu sahaja la kot..

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Kawad Majlis Anugerah Kecemerlangan


Dah lama dh tak update blog tercinta. Hari khamis haritu iaitu 14.4.2011 dkt sekolah ada Majlis Anugerah Kecemerlangan utk para pelajar yg berjaya. Tingkatan 1 tahun ini x ada sesiapa pun yg menang sbb majlis ini utk celebrate bdk tahun lepas.. huhu.. giliran aisyah insyaAllah tahun hadapan.. nnti korang dtg la ramai2 ye. :) Aisyah, kawan2 PBSM yg otailo dan kawan UPS2 yg lain, terlibat dlm kawad... siapa yg x mahu masuk, tak payah menyibuk. hehe.. Aisyah dan kawan2 dlm kelas (yg PBSM) sebenarnya x plan pun nk masuk, tapi kesian kn kumpulan PBSM dan abang 2 org yg kena ronda setiap kelas nk cari orang, kitaorg masuk la... huhu.. mula2 x reti.. susah.. dh la kena jln mcm robot.. banyak kali kena tegur dgn abang yg ala2 kapten tuu.. huhu.. tapi last2 kitaorg yg terrer bagai... pagi sebelum majlis anugerah ptg tu... kitaorg ada la practice 2,3,4 kali dkt tapak perhimpunan.. penat tau.. akhir sekali, dh malas nk berlatih kawad, kitaorg main dkt tapak perhimpunan yg luas tu.. mula la aisyah mereka2 main game tu.. game ni.. huhu.. :)

Lepas rehat, malas nk masuk kelas.. hehe.. RK mcm ni? hehe.. tapi bila masuk kelas, nasib baik mood cikgu baik.. dpt kertas periksa lagi pulak tu.. huhu.. 
Ptg tu pulak, lps makan.. lepak kjp dgn kawan.. lps tu baru pergi sembahyang.. kawan aisyah yg lain x sembahyang pun, katanya nk cpt.. tapi bila aisyah dh siap sembahyang, bnyk lagi waktu.. siap tgkp gambar lagi.. korang2.. :(

Ahli PBSM tingkatan 1 yg sopan :))

Bahirah dan Farah

Ahhh ...siapa la budak yg duduk tgh tu..

Ini semua bdk perempuan tingkatan 1. Comey x kitaorg.. ?


poyonye.. haha huda nmpk kelakar..

budak yg x blh ddk diam..

Syamina buat apa tu??

Kitaorg yg terlibat dgn kawad kena jemput org besar PD. Org besar PD tu sebernarnya bapak kawan kelas kitaorg.. huhu..  Ahli2 PBSM pilih nk pakai baju warna merah dan kasut hitam.. dh la kena berkumpul dkt tapak perhimpunan pukul 1.45. panas tu.. habis kaki kitaorg kena bakar.. haha.. tu la.. siapa suruh ngada2 pilih kasut hitam?

Ni farah kite ye yg ceria selalu.. X pernah aisyah tgk dia seserious ini. Sian farah.. kena panas..

Ini gambar diambil sebelum tetamu dtg.. waktu ni x ingat dh pasal matahari yg panas


Haha.... malunya... yg muka berconteng ni farah.. gambar ni sebenarnya aisyah ambil drpd blog dia..

Ini gambar Huda dn Farah.. waktu ni dh habis kawad dh.. cikgu bagi lepak dkt kelas 4 SB 2. hehe.

Itu sahaja ya.. bai.. :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Kawad UPS

Hi, hi, hi..

Owh.. tunggu isyak tapi dh batal. Hehe... tadi dkt sekolah ada latihan kawad UPS. UPS aisyah PBSM, tapi takut darah. Nasib baik setakat ini tak ada benda yg menakutkan bila pergi UPS. Aisyah sebenarnya tak "plan" pun nk masuk kawad untuk PBSM. Tiba-tiba sahaja ada abg dua orang dtg dkt kelas nk jumpa ahli PBSM. Dengan muka yg keliru, aisyah dan kawan bangun la. Rupa-rupanya pasal kawad. Sebenarnya tak nk masuk, tapi kesian dkt kumpulan PBSM dan abg2 yg kena ronda setiap kelas, aisyah, farah, huda dan fatihah "join" sahaja lerr... Ingatkan kawad senang, rupa2 susah.  Aisyah dgn Huda mana biasa dlm bab2 kawad, terutama sekali dalam jalan yg kena goyang2 tangan dgn langakah mcm robot tu, almaklum lah,, kitaorg jln mcm model..huhu.. tadi baru sahaja berlatih, esok g betul buat depan org Pejabat Daerah (PD). Harap2 esok aisyah dan kawan yg x biasa dgn benda robot  kawad ni, akan okay esok. hehe..  okay! sehingga ketemu lagi!

Cuba cari aisyah.. mmg la x jumpa.. sbb ni bkn gambar aisyah.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011



I' am in SMKSI right now. The computer lab is soo cold! everyone are busy with their facebook. I wish I got one, so I can keep in touch with my friends. So far I gots 2 homeworks, after this we have Science and Sivik. Anyway, gotta go!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Kelas Rancangan Khas


What a nice day. My head hurt I don't know why. huhu.. Today, my class had to moved to another level, before this we were in level 3, now we're in level 2. My headmistress want all the Rancangan Khas Class to be in one level so it's easy. I don't know what she mean by "easy". I am so not agree about moving to another class 'cause I love my class so much. I want to stay in my old class. Our new class is so plain because the wall is white, my old class is green and yellow which is so beautiful. What can I do? I'm just a student.. a junior in fact! We have to carried our well wrapped table and comfortable wooden chair down stair. I helped Syahiida caries her table, then she helped caries my table. Syahiida and me only caries my table halfway, thanks to Syed Saiful for carrying my table. The table is sooo heavy. Huhu..  

Anyway, I got some of my exam marks. Should we see it?

BI - 80 (A)
P.I - 66 (B)
SCIENCE - 52 (C)
Maths - 74 (B)

That's what I got,1 A, 2 B and 1 C. Most of my friends grades went down. My teacher kept complaining about it. As usual, the teachers said that "Awak ni sebenarnya tak patut masuk RK"
As I remembered, nearly all the teachers had said it.

p.s: Jannah and me got some good idea for our novel. wish us the best!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011




This week is an exam week. Exam started on Tuesday. Today is the second day of exam. I am so scared to face my exam results. My science teacher, Mr. Awalluddin said that nobody get A for science in our class and there are 3 boys and 1 girl that fail for Science paper. Could it be me? So scared!

 Anyway.. yesterday we had B.M, GEO, SCIENCE and SIVIK papers. Today we got BI, SEJ, PI and ICTL. Tommorow we have Maths and KHB. For KHB I choose "Ekonomi Rumah Tangga" We learn about sewing, cook and lots more that girl do. hehe.. When I answer my paper, I can already imagine our headmistress face when she know our exam mark cause we had to meet her on May. 
Owhh.. I'm shivering already!

One thing that I couldn't stand while we're in our exam is "TO BE QUIET" cause.. you know what type of girl I am :) Today, while waiting for our papers to be collected, Huda and me exchange our Examination Pad cause before that we wrote about our "Luahan Hati" in it. It's because we're scared that we didn't achieve our teacher target, 8A. At the back of our Examination Pad paper, we wrote comments on each other "Luahan Hati". I didn't know that she could be this serious. She said that she regret her mistakes that she done to me and she also wish to me to get 8 A. As for me.. I don't know that things will get this serious.. I wrote hurtful things to her.. Huhu.. told ya... I'm not a good friend.. I am so regret what I wrote to her.. Sorry Huda. wish she read this entry. because it will be embarrassing to ask for forgiveness face to face.

Can you believe that Huda and me were likes cat and dogs?

Can you find Huda? lol.. She's the one that wear purple scarf

I wish she read this cause its hard to say it face to face :)

How scary is that exam hall!

Huda's blog : luvmybestfriendeva!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Got to keep in touch my old friends and teachers

Got to keep in touch with my old friends and teachers!!


I should be doing my homeworks now. But I promise! I will do it as soon as I finished surfing on the internet! Pinky promise :p. So, last few days, I found my SKSI teacher's blog. I was so sickened surprised. hehe.. I never thought that I could follow my ex-teacher blog. Lucky me :) Anyway.. I also found m friend-to-be blog. I am not really their friends because I am soo not matched to be their friend because they're are way
-gedik- I mean smart... No wonder cause the get 5A's. I only got 4A's.

Catatan Seorang Guru

My teacher blog.. Cikgu Arzahar

- amanina ahmad tarmizi -

Actually I found lots of my friend-to-be blog.. but through the address that I gave, you can find lots more blog.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Fesyen tudung masa kini.


Mari kita sama-sama jadi sedikit warak. Nak lebih pun boleh. Aisyah nk ckp pasal "Fesyen
Tudung Masa Kini" Tadi aisyah ada tebaca post dari blog mak kawan aisyah. AIsyah terkilan dgn hadith2 yg bemaksud sgt penting.

“ akan muncul dalam kalangan umatku di akhir zaman, kaum lelaki yang menunggang sambil duduk di atas pelana, lalu mereka turun di depan pintu-pintu masjid. Wanita-wanita mereka( isteri mereka atau anak perempuan), berpakaian tetapi seperti bertelanjang ( nipis&ketat). Di atas kepala mereka pula(wanita) terdapat bonggolan (sanggul atau tocang) seperti bonggol unta yang lemah gemalai. Oleh itu laknatlah mereka semua. Sesungguhnya mereka adalah wanita-wanita yang terlaknat” - hadith riwayat Ahmad, jil.2, ms. 223.

Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: 

“dua golongan penghuni neraka yang mana aku sendiri belum pernah melihat keadaan mereka didunia: golongan yang membawa cemeti seperti seekor lembu lalu menggunakannya untuk memukul manusia dan juga kaum wanita yang berpakaian seperti bertelanjang, menggoyangkan badan dan berlenggang-lenggok, kepala mereka ada suatu seperti bonggol di kepala unta yang bergoyang-goyang. Mereka tentu tidak akan memasuki syurga atau mencium baunya sedangkan bau syurga itu dapat dihidu dari jarak perjalanan begitu dan begini” –hadith riwayat Muslim. Hadith no 212-